Monday, July 24, 2006

Personalized plates and bumper stickers

So the other day I was driving home from work and was behind someone with a license plate that just said "dyke." All I could think was "How do you go to the DMV and ask for that plate?"

"Would you like to purchase a personalized license plate?"

"Yes, I would."

"And what would you like it to say, m'am?"

"I think I will go for dyke. D-Y-K-E. Yeah, I think that will do."

That would be a little awkward.

Then I am driving to work today and am behind one of those people who apparently think the whole world wants to know anything and everything about their political views and just general likes and dislikes. You know the type. They still have Gore/Lieberman campaign stickers on their cars because instead of sticking bumper stickers ON THE BUMPER they have actually affixed them to the paint on their car. This is a huge pet peeve of mine.

This car in particular had one sticker that said something classy like "If you can read this you are in range," which made me want to ride as close to him as possible in defiance. Then right next to it was a Pro-life/Pro-God sticker. Ironic? I think so.

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