Monday, August 07, 2006

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

After being absolutely appalled about the fact that Mel Gibson's DUI and subsequent anti-semitic remarks have gotten at least as much or more U.S. media coverage as the wars raging in the middle east, I finally read an article that made me succumb to the madness.,26334,1223467,00.html

So, the latest star to defend Mel is Patrick Swayze.

"The Dirty Dancing star calls Gibson "a wonderful human being (who) is not anti-Semitic." Blaming Gibson's problem with alcohol, Swayze said on British television's GMTV, "People say stupid things when they happen to have a few, and especially if you don't drink anymore, or have limited your drinking for a long time and all of a sudden you decide to have one too many with the boys – you are stupid."

Patrick Swayze is still alive? And doing interviews? Who knew?


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