Thursday, March 29, 2007

My life this week

While at the grocery store...

Corbin: Mom, can I get a toy?
Me: No, I just bought you new movies and gave you those toys from my trip.

(later at the checkout counter)

Corbin: Well, if I can't get a toy then I am getting some gum. (He has taken to experimenting with different methods to get his way - right now it's being authoritative.)
Me: No, you haven't behaved while we were at the store, so you don't get any gum.
Corbin: You are a SINNER!
Me: Um, what? (silently cursing the Catholic school decision)
Corbin: You are a sinner and that means you are a lier!
Me: (silence)


This morning on the way to school:

Corbin: Mom, only 174 more days and I will be in first grade!!
Me: (exaggerated excitement) Yea! You're so big!
Corbin: (rolling eyes - also a new habit) I didn't want you to be excited about it.
Me: Uh, okay.

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