Friday, March 30, 2007

Thursday morning...

Corbin - Mom, they told us yesterday that we don't have school today because it is too cold.
Me - Well, its really not that cold outside, remember?
Corbin - They said it was too cloudy to have school.
Me - I don't really think they cancel school because its too cloudy.
Corbin - Really. We have to stay home today. No one else will be there.
Me - (not wanting to fight the battle) We'll see.
Corbin - Mom. For real. It is too cloudy for school.

I guess he was more eager to go after he ate his breakfast, because I didn't hear anything more about it. But when we got home last night, he got the pen that goes with our dry erase calendar and wrote "NO SCHOOL" really big over today's date.

I think he is ready for a break. Good thing Easter break comes next week. 51/2 days off.

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