Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring on Delmar

So, it could be a sign of adult onset of ADD, but I seem to be unable to ignore the sounds from outside lately. It's especially bad now that I've had the windows open at work lately. In the past two weeks, I've witnessed:
  • A man peeing on a building across the street in clear view of everyone driving by. When he was done, he got in his minivan and left. I was shocked. I really didn't pick him as a minivan man.
  • A couple getting in a screaming match. Through the windows it was hard to make out what the fight was about, but at the end, as she was walking across the street "giving him the hand", I swear he asked her if she wanted some chicken. (There's a Churches next door.) So my conclusion is that she was mad at him because he never does nice things for her, and he offered her some chicken. She did not take him up on the offer.
  • Just now, I witnessed a couple getting kicked out of Pin Up Bowl across the street. Judging from the words exchanged, there was some disorderly conduct. Not only did a police car show up, but a paddy wagon as well. Too bad the offenders walked down the street and out of sight about 10 minutes ago. Not so impressed with the response time.

Stay tunes for updates on what's goin' down on Delmar.

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